Rules for U9/U10 Games

Build Out Line (On goal kicks and goal keeper possession):

● The defending team must drop behind the restriction/build out line.
● The defending team players may cross the restriction/build out line after the
attacker has received the ball (after the attacker’s first touch).
● From goalkeeper possession, the goalkeeper may throw or roll the
ball; build out line enforced until the teammate has received the ball
(after the attacker’s first touch).
● If the Goalie places the ball on the ground it will be considered a “Live”
ball and the defending team may cross the restriction/build out line.
● The attacking team may restart play immediately, even before the
defending team has dropped behind the restriction/build out line. If the
goalie plays fast, the defending team may go after the ball, but not
until the goalkeepers teammate takes their first touch.
● If the goalie throws the ball and the ball passes the build out line, the
defending team may go after the ball regardless of whether or not the
attacking team has touched the ball.

● Goalie may use hands within the penalty area
● Goalie is treated as any other field player outside of the existing penalty area.
● NO PUNTING - Goalie to distribute the ball by rolling or throwing it.
● No Pass-Back

● Goalie is not allowed to use hands if the ball is intentionally passed to

● Offsides is enforced, but there are no AR’s
● No headers & No slide tackling
● Coaches must stay in their own “technical area”. They are not allowed to go into
the opposing teams side of the field and they are not allowed near the goalie.